Safety of employees and guests

The safety of employees and guests is a matter of course and a prerequisite for running a serious business. We are committed to being a safe business for our employees and guests with no injuries and accidents, not only on nature excursions, but at all our business enterprises here in Longyearbyen.

Safety in every aspect of Svalbard Adventures

Many people visit Svalbard to experience our unique nature. Svalbard is renowned as a safe destination to visit with competent guides and a community that has a high level of emergency preparedness and knowledge of Arctic conditions. Safety does not only apply when we venture into the nature with guests. It’s equally important for our employees and the local community.

— Knowledge sharing is key to our work involving sustainability

It’s essential that Svalbard Adventures is a safe workplace. Consequently, we are proud to be able to offer all employees competence development through the Svalbard Adventures Academy. Through the academy, we provide employees the competence they need to perform important tasks, including communicating about safety to our guests.

Knowledge sharing is key to our work involving sustainability. For you as a guest, it’s important that you receive the information you need for a safe stay in Svalbard. Consequently, it’s essential to focus on safety among employees and locals. Svalbard Adventures has developed good routines for safeguarding HSE in every aspect of the company. As part of this, we have established systems to follow up employees and guests. We communicate with our guests prior to their arrival through marketing and customer relations. We also share our knowledge with the local community by arranging tours for residents so they can learn about safe travel in the Svalbard nature. This has become so popular that  there are long waiting lists.

Safe travel with authorised Svalbard guides

There are some basic rules that you as a guest should follow to protect your safety. We recommend everyone wishing to explore the Svalbard nature to go on organised tours run by local tour operators. Svalbard Adventures’ guides are authorised to travel in the Svalbard nature and, owing to the wide range of factors they can encounter, our guides require a high level of competence.

To protect the safety of employees and guests, we have developed procedures, routines and guidelines covering important risk areas. Our guides have the necessary education, training and certification required to maintain a high level of safety. Our guides participate in annual courses and exercises, including in collaboration with the Governor of Svalbard, Lufttransport and other partners. This includes first aid, firearms and polar bear safety, glacier courses, avalanche courses and SGO (Svalbard Guide Training). A high proportion of guides have also completed the Arctic Nature Guide programme.

We set high standards when it comes to sharing knowledge and providing information to avoid injuries and accidents on tours. Before we set off into the wilderness, our guests are always briefed about safety and other necessary information for the day.

It’s cold here in Svalbard, even during the summer. Consequently, correct clothing is essential for preventing injuries such as frostbite. We have developed our own clothing that has been especially adapted for Arctic conditions.

Guides also have a responsibility for minimising the impact on vulnerable nature and wildlife.

Our work involving the safety of employees and guests: