Frequently asked questions
There is a lot of things that is different in Svalbard and as a guest there’s some essential things that is necessary to know before you visit. We have answered our guests frequently asked questions, so you are more prepared for your adventurous vacation.

Current situation in Russia and Ukraine
Do you have trips to the russian settlements?
Trips to the russian settlements:
The tourism industry in Svalbard follows the situation in Ukraine and by following recommendations from Visit Svalbard and Svalbard Reiselivsråd, we have chosen to stop purchasing services from the Russian state-owned company that operates tourism in Pyramiden and Barentsburg. There is no disembarkation in Pyramiden on our Fjord Safari to Nordenskiöld Glacier.
NB! For now, Svalbard Adventures does not sell trips to Barentsburg or Pyramiden provided by other tour operators.
Practical information before you travel to Svalbard
Is my driver's license valid in Svalbard?
To drive a snowmobile on Svalbard, you must have a driver’s license for passenger car/class B. The driver’s license must have been issued in a country that is a party to the Geneva Convention of 1949 or the Vienna Convention of 1968 on road traffic. Digital certificate is only valid if it is issued in Norway.
The following countries have not signed one or both conventions and are therefore not valid:
Antigua and Barbuda
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
French Guiana
Guinea Western Sahara
Hong Kong
North Korea
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sao Tome & Principe
The Bahamas
Do I need a visa to travel to Svalbard?
Svalbard is a part of the Kingdom of Norway and Norwegian laws apply. Svalbard is outside Schengen EEA. For you as a guest, this means that you do not need a visa to travel to Svalbard. If you come from a country that requires a visa to enter Norway, you must, however, have a transit visa as there is a stopover on the Norwegian mainland both to and from Svalbard. There is custom and entry control when traveling from Svalbard to mainland Norway. Please follow the link for more information about Visa and Passport requirements.
Do I need a passport to travel to Svalbard?
All flights to Svalbard require passport control, regardless of which airline you fly with. From 1 September 2022, only passports and national ID cards are approved as travel documents for Norwegian citizens traveling from or to Svalbard. This applies to both children and adults. Foreign citizens must have a valid passport to travel to Svalbard. Please follow the link for more information about Visa and Passport requirements.
How to get to Svalbard?
Which currency is used in Svalbard?
We use Norwegian Kroner in Svalbard. It is not possible to exchange currency here, but we have a good payment system where almost all credit cards are accepted.
When is the best time to visit Svalbard?
Svalbard is beautiful all year around and each season has its unique opportunities for different excursions. We recommend you read about our seasons so that you can choose the season that suits you best. Activities are offered all year around.
Can I rent firearms for polar bear protection in Svalbard?
Firearms for protection against polar bears can be rented from authorized firearms dealers in Longyearbyen. Private individuals must apply to the Governor of Svalbard for permission to rent firearms for polar bear protection. There can be up to one month processing time for applications.
How do I get to and from the airport in Longyearbyen?
The airport bus departs for all arriving and departing flights and the bus stops outside most hotels in Longyearbyen. It is also possible to take a taxi directly from the airport or ask the reception at your hotel to book a taxi for you.
Practical information while you are in Svalbard
Where in Longyearbyen can I travel without polar bear protection?
A safety zone is necessary in Longyearbyen, due to the danger of polar bears. In the city itself, where there are buildings and human activity, you do not need polar bear protection. If you are moving outside this area, you should join organized guided tours. It is important to follow the safety advice that applies to Svalbard.
Can I go on a trip without a guide?
We recommend everyone to experience Svalbard with an organized tour operator to get the best experience. If you are going to travel without a guide, you must follow the safety advice that applies to Svalbard, as well as renting the necessary equipment needed for your trip.
What age limits apply to different trips?
There are different age limits for participate in organized activities, such as dog sledding, ATV, snowmobile, and boat trips. Se our overview of age limits for our activities.
What is the age limit for renting a snowmobile?
To rent a snowmobile, the driver must have a valid driver license and be 18 years of age.
How to dress in Svalbard?
See our tips on how to dress in different seasons in Svalbard.
When can I experience the Northern Lights and when is it midnight sun in Svalbard?
The dark season in Svalbard is from October 26 till February 16. It’s a good chance to experience the Northern Lights during this period. The midnight sun is from April 19 till August 23.
Can I drive a vehicle to Barentsburg and Pyramiden?
No, it is only possible to drive a boat during summer or snowmobile during winter to the Russian settlements.
Which trips gives me the best chance to see wildlife?
Boat trips during summer gives you the best chance for wildlife.
Can I visit Svalbard Global Seed Vault?
Tourists do not have the opportunity to visit the seed vault inside because of safety of the seeds. It is possible to visit the area outside of the seed vault, but the seed vault is located outside of Longyearbyen safety zone, and you need to bring polar bear protection.
Are there hospitals in Svalbard?
Yes, in Longyearbyen we have an emergency medical hospital that provides both primary care and special health services to the population and visitors to Svalbard.
What rules apply to alcohol and tobacco quotas in Svalbard?
Svalbard is customs and tax-free area. That means that goods taken from Svalbard to the mainland will be cleared through customs an arrival to the mainland as if the entry was from abroad. If you have stayed in Svalbard for at least 24 hours, you can bring alcoholic beverages with you in accordance with applicable rules from the Norwegian Custom Service.
Are there restaurants for vegetarians and vegans in Longyearbyen?
Most restaurants cater for vegans, vegetarians, and allergy. Restaurant Polfareren are happy to customize the meals according to your preferences, whether it’s vegan or vegetarian options, upon request. Contact the restaurant in advance if you have allergies.
Why do I have to take off my shoes in some places in Longyearbyen?
This is a tradition from when Longyearbyen was a mining community. The miners took off their shoes to avoid dragging sand, coal dust, and mud into buildings.
Why are the plumbing above the ground and why are the houses standing on stilts?
In Svalbard there is permafrost in the ground and the permafrost is approximately 100 meters deep. This makes construction challenging and that is why buildings stand on stilts and the plumbing are above ground. This avoids that heat radiation does not melt the permafrost in the loose materials under the ground and that the buildings are not damaged.
Can I fly a drone in Svalbard on guided activities?
No, it is not allowed to fly drones on our activities.
After 1 January 2021, all drone pilots with a drone with a camera or heavier than 250 grams must register for flying at If you wish to fly a drone in Svalbard, read more about the regulations here.
How is the shopping in Longyearbyen?
Svalbard is a duty-free zone so lower tax-free prices apply for everything you buy. It is hard to find a settlement in Norway as small as Longyearbyen with such a wide selection of shops. Here are some of the shops you can find in Longyearbyen:
- Svalbardbutikken (grocery store)
- Apotek 1 (pharmacy)
- 5 different sports shops
- Frost (fashion store for women)
- Gullgruva Arctic Design (jewellery shop and souvenirs)
- Skinnboden (souvenirs, leather, and fur)
Are there any museums and galleries in Longyearbyen?
Galleries in Longyearbyen:
Museums in Longyearbyen: